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Hi, I am Ms. Van Wyngeeren and this is my third year teaching at the Middle School!

My Background: I graduated from Luther College with a B.A in Fine Arts Education. It is a small liberal arts college located among the cornfields (and rolling hills) of Iowa. Previously I worked in Minneapolis at an International Baccalaureate Middle School teaching design and fine arts to 6th and 7th graders. 


My family:My family is amazing and I am very close to both of my parents and my best friends and sisters Kristin and Hillary.


My interests: I enjoy being busy and looking forward to fun new experiences and adventures. Traveling is at the top of my list.Switzerland, Italy, Croatia, Slovenia, Austria, Dominican, South Africa and Mexico are places I have gone and the next sister pact to be fulfilled is to visit the place of our heritage, the Netherlands. I am still trying to find the best place to roller-blade, I swim in Lake Travis and get out on the boat as often as possible. I seek opportunities to get outside in any way and have some experience canoeing the remote areas of the Boundary Waters and Quetico, including a winter camping trip! When I am indoors I like to get artsy, watch movies and make experimental meals.


My goals:

For my Students: As a teacher I want my students to have an overall appreciation for the arts and recognize their potential. I want to help students gain those critical 21st century skills vital for their future. Recognizing what it means to be a risk-taking, thinking, creative, caring, respectful and responsible citizen are important characteristics for my students to value. They will work hard, feel safe and experience a sense of accomplishment while having fun!


For Parents: My goals for parents are to have each recognize the importance of the arts in their child's life, to have open communication and encourage their young artists! 




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